I have had the most wonderful time speaking to my niece Kenzie on the net. She is so cute. Maddie is a doll too but Kenzie is vocal and I can't help but melt when I hear her say "I love you Auntie Angel!" among other things. I was in such a bad mood yesterday and in no time she had me laughing. I saved allot of audio clips to reformat my comp with but I am having a hard time figuring out what I want to replace. Right now I have BATMAN, Animals, Me, Beastwars as well as Transformers. I guess I have time this weekend to figure it out cause Sis will be at work and Ryan doesn't talk to me on here.
Sis has been made a Crew member of my guild on gaia because she has the time to wade through all the inactive members and so on. She has been an amazing addition to the guild. I love rping with her as well as my other members. I have been there very nearly everyday except when I'm sick or too busy irl to go.
Now that I am getting better in health I'm allot more active. I go to movies, Dr. appointments with Lizzy, stores. I have a few appointments I need to tie down for myself like the dietitian, eye doctor and dentist.
My blood sugars are roller coastering. I don't know what the hell is up with that except that they haven't regulated the insulin yet. My moods are up and down as well. I'm dealing with allot of anxiety lately. There are several things that could be causing that as well from blood sugar, my DVR, the kid, the move, people that bother me, insomnia, spring time allergies, missing Pierce, my short term memory, typo demons, lack of thought when it comes to my rping, my comp and it's anal tendencies, my own thoughts of impending DOOM! (Ok, I have been on and Invader Zim kick)
Takes a deep breath, exhales, moves along to other journals....
Blessed Be....
(I will be posting the same thing in all my journals today, sorry, I'm lazy.)