It snowed...on the 10th of April....WTF? As long as I can get where I need to go, (ie Spa and Doc) then I'm ok with it I guess. At least it's pretty to look at.
I'm pretty tired so this may be a bit scatter brained.
I broke two teeth last night.....yes two!Right next to each other. Damn corner of the beloved pizza roll! We are going to the folks this weekend so I can call a dentist cause I can't get one in town. I have to go over a hour away because every Dentist around here too greedy to take my insurance.
Lucky is pretty emotional these days be it friends, boyfriend, chores, school and so on.I just feel like it's a yoyo with her. I do my best but I really don't know what to say and if I do, I don't understand cause I'm her Mom or I'm wrong. But, every once in awhile, I say something right and she smiles and then I get a breath of fresh air until someone else pisses her off.
Besides Chris and Lucky I spend all my time alone. I don't know what had happened to my social life. If it wasn't for my Sis having the schedule she has I think I'd loose my mind sometimes. I also have my four furry lil babies I can cuddle and play with. I miss Mickey, I haven't seen him for nine days. I guess I got too used to him when he was here all the time.
Anyway. We are still looking at houses and or an apartment. We are aiming for a duplex so we can be close to Chris's brother Shrimp. If that doesn't work we want a four bedroom house for us all or a three bedroom apartment for Chris, Lucky and myself. I have one box packed.
My best friends parents hate me and they have never met me. They have made it extremely difficult for us to communicate by taking away the computer and the phone on the weekdays. Suffice to say it's due to it being a long distance friendship. I would be shocked but it's not the first time it's happened. I had another friend who came to visit and his parents didn't like me either they never met me and that was a grown man.
I might feel the same if it was Lucky but I doubt it, I tend to be more open minded. I'd at least get to know the person and talk to them like I did her Ex who she met on the comp.
There is so much negativity already...why create more and sling hate on people you don't know?
My parents forgot my daughter's birthday but remembered an easter card. When they remembered, no card came....she flung the easter card. Yeah, she was pretty let down and I was rather upset over it.
I have to schedule an appointment with my Doc soon. I need to be examined for the oxygen I am on to see if I still need it. I have been spending an hour in the spa a week without it but last week I had to get out fifteen minutes early cause I couldn't breathe. I don't know if it was over my health or if it was because I was ironing out some things with my friend and it was an emotional attack. We will see soon enough I guess.
My horoscope has been proving true....
We made our characters for Vampires saturday. I can't wait to play. My character is something I've never done before and it's gonna be fun.
The Hardy Boyz are once more the Worlds Tag Team Champs! I am so happy about that. I want to see them against my other team London and Kendrick. That will so kick ass!
Had a good night with Lucky on Easter. We watched shows and played Sonic most of the night and again today.
TV is making me wanna play poker.
The DVR needs my attention.
My leg is sore so I'm gonna rest it.
If any of you pray, pray for my Uncle Ivan. He is faced with the possibility of having his foot removed.
Blessed Be....
(If you read all my journals/Blogs, they will all read the same today, Thank you)
Mistress Crow Darkstride

My Dark Queen
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
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Wow, you sure do have a lot going on right now. I am here when you need me. No I didn't go see him. When he was on the phone he siad he didn't need anything and so not to come see him. He was in a very foul mood! I know that things with that friend will iron out, just give it time. If I were you I would let Lucky call Sonny and Sherry and tell them how upset she felt about them forgetting her birthday. I know that I would be upset about it. Anyway, good luck with the Doc and seeing if you can come off the oxygen. Maybe you can talk him into ordering it prn(as needed) so that you only have to wear it when you need it not all the time.
Yes, I do. So you see why i'm so scatterbrained. Thanks for being here. It means alot. Same goes for you. Foul mood, Ivan? Never!Well, i sent my friend a message and we will see what happens. Tomorrow is spa day and she is who I go with. When she spoke to them she just acted conservative. (My parents) Thanks for your well wishes. It was fun listening to the girls laughing and playing. Love you!
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