Here I sit with unkempt hair, a headache from hell and a grumbly tummy. I need a shower. The oven is heating up fro some yummy baked chicken. As for the's gone on for days again.
Oh joy, another one of those vagisil commercials are droning on in the background. I hate commercials which is one of the reasons we got a DVR. I'm in my bedroom though and awaiting Montel to return. Grandma loved Montel so I watch makes me feel close to her and that feels good. She is right...he is a smart caring man. Today's show is about how our teens are sexually rampant and how our president Clinton has the whole world believing oral sex isn't sex.
I hear Mickey's collar jingling...I am keeping him tonight for mental health reasons. Lucky said she would walk him for me.
I've been in alot of pain with my feet lately. Cracking, bleeding, hard to walk. They burn alot and it is quite maddening and God and I have gotten in shouting matches over it.
Well, Lucky has come home baring gifts. The chicken was traded in for the pizza she brought to bake and she brought Ice cream, Caramel topping, fruit, gogart,doritoes,24 pack soda, CareBear snacks and my favorite...cappuccino a 24 oz. at that!. Yeah...Baby Girl got paid and still has money for the fair.
Gaia has this event going on, a balloon fight and it is taking up most of my time. That, the DVR and my new obsession Ultimate Alliance 2. Yes, Miss Angel is kicking ass and taking names with my team Angelz Avengerz. My team is made up of Elektra, Iron Man, Captain America and my beloved Deadpool. If you haven't played it....get it.
Been spending most my social time with Chris, My Sissy and Lucky.
Chris is doing well, been ill, beat up from work, but he is in good spirits so that is good.
Lucky is Lucky, She won me two lil animals at the fair. A pink pup and a froggy, I have yet to name them. School is starting soon. My lil baby is a senior. She and Ben are happy and as in love as ever.
Sis on the other hand has been put through the wringer. I won't write it here but...she needs an award for putting up with bullshit. She has her own blog and if she wants the world to know she will tell you.
I have to tell the world I LOVE ELLEN! I watch her ALL the time. SHE ROCKS AND I WANT A ELLEN HUG SO BAD!
oK i AM RAMBLING....ttfn!
Mistress Crow Darkstride

My Dark Queen
Friday, August 31, 2007
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Silly Song Day
"A Friendly Goodbye"
I can lay it on real thick
But I know how you don't like to get bogged down
With anything 'bout us
And our kick ass true love tale
Sorry I swore just then
Cause I know you hate it
And by the way that cake you baked me really sucked
But I ate it
Cause I loved you
Even more that you could ever imagine
Here's a friendly goodbye
Ain't that a "b" with an itch
Ain't that a mother trucker
You can go to h-e-double hockey sticks
And f yourself
Cause I'm flippin' gosh darn sick
Of all the "s" words you put me through
So f-u
I can hang it out to dry
Cause I know how you like all your laundry neat
And not just thrown around
Like a chain saw in need of juggling
Sorry I flipped you off cause I know,
That you hate it
And that homemade porn I said that I erased
Well I saved it
[Chorus Repeat]
I'll send you a post card that says
I'm glad you're not here
I'll buy you a t-shirt
But I'll use it to wipe up the beer
That I spilled
While I was spilling my guts
To my friends about you
And I really don't have anything else nice to say
"A Friendly Goodbye"
I can lay it on real thick
But I know how you don't like to get bogged down
With anything 'bout us
And our kick ass true love tale
Sorry I swore just then
Cause I know you hate it
And by the way that cake you baked me really sucked
But I ate it
Cause I loved you
Even more that you could ever imagine
Here's a friendly goodbye
Ain't that a "b" with an itch
Ain't that a mother trucker
You can go to h-e-double hockey sticks
And f yourself
Cause I'm flippin' gosh darn sick
Of all the "s" words you put me through
So f-u
I can hang it out to dry
Cause I know how you like all your laundry neat
And not just thrown around
Like a chain saw in need of juggling
Sorry I flipped you off cause I know,
That you hate it
And that homemade porn I said that I erased
Well I saved it
[Chorus Repeat]
I'll send you a post card that says
I'm glad you're not here
I'll buy you a t-shirt
But I'll use it to wipe up the beer
That I spilled
While I was spilling my guts
To my friends about you
And I really don't have anything else nice to say
Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Morning Everyone...
Things I need to do....that is what I should call this entry...
I need to get things done online like my guild, my blogs, myspace, emails...
Spend time with Lucky and Sis in the real world...then there is the DVR and the plumber coming this afternoon....
My head really hurts, I'm still sick.
Been raining forever. Feels like it did when I lived on the Ft. Lewis Army base in Tacoma Washington.
I like the rain so i guess that makes me lucky.
Ive been trying to be more forgiving and not let things get to me but it's getting pretty hard these days. There are just some things I can't take. Prickly people are getting on my last nerve.
Bah...Talk to you all later.
PS, I got everything done I set out to do. Yay me.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
For The Sake of Being Funny

The other night, I was invited out for a night with "the girls." I told my husband that I would be home by midnight. "I promise," were my last words.
The hours passed and the margaritas went down way too easily and around 3 a.m. we piled into a cab and headed to our respective homes, quite inebriated.
Just as I walked through the door, the cuckoo clock in the hall started up and cuckooed 3 times!
Realizing that my husband would probably wake up to this, I quickly cuckooed another 9 times. I was quit pleased with myself for coming up with such a quick witted solution to cover up my tardiness. Even with my impaired judgment, I could count 3 cuckoos plus 9 cuckoos equaled 12 cuckoos!
The next morning, my husband asked me what time I got in, and confidently, I replied, " I promised." He didn't even raise and eyebrow and went on reading the morning paper! Phew! Got away with that one!
After a moment, he then replied, "I think we might need a new cuckoo clock."
A bit nervously, I asked him why, to which he responded:
"Well, last night our clock cuckooed 3 times, then said, 'Oh, crap,' cuckooed 4 more times, cleared it's throat, cuckooed another 3 times, giggled, cuckooed twice more, then tripped over the coffee table and farted."
Monday, August 13, 2007
Shout Out For My Sis

I want to let the world know what a awesome Sister I have. She has two kids of her own, one whose just walking, the other whose about to go to school and a husband. Not to mention the new addition to the family by means of a lil pup.
She cares for the kids all day, does all the cooking, cleaning and running around pretty much that needs to be done, and has a cake business on the side.
To top all this off she works two double shifts a weekend so they don't have to deal with childcare.
What makes her so special? On top of all of the normal duties of a wife and mother, she has taken in our brother and his pregnant girlfriend (well, she was pregnant at the time, now she has had the little gentleman) and has gone above and beyond to help them up to and including..
Paying their bills, buying their personal needs, food, baby supplies, covering everything (including their cigarettes in a NON SMOKING HOME)to sum it up as well as putting wear and tear on her care taking them to the Doctor's as well as going to Ill to pick the girlfriend and the baby up when she was stranded there over some family drama.
Sis does this and moves to a bigger house (bought it) to make more room.
Not only has she given up her time, money, and yes, even the bed she slept in for my brother and his girlfriend, but she gave up so much of her self, her wisdom and was there when no one else was for them.
She did it out of love.
Now, I know that you often feel unappreciated. I know how you feel, Several times I put myself out there to help just to be hurt by it.
Your a wonderful person and I love you...and I thank you for those who look the other way.
Lies! I'm Not Learning, I just Let The Teen Take Over!
You Are a Learning Cook |
You've got the makings of an excellent cook, and the desire to be one. But right now, you're just lacking the experience. You couldn't be a top chef yet, but you could be an apprentice. |
Here I am ....
American Cities That Best Fit You: |
65% Honolulu 60% Miami 55% Austin 55% Las Vegas |
Which'>">Which American Cities Best Fit You?
Monday, August 6, 2007
Whoooooweeeeee I have been busy or just plain too hot to do anything these days. I will try to fill you all in on all the this and thats I've failed to share with my pals here.
The weather has been just plain HOT. Either hot and dry, hot and humid then there was the torture of cool and humid.
Humidity is my worse nightmare. I can't breathe for anything. I used inhalers, Nebulae, air conditioner and in the end I donned my CPAP mask and went to bed. It was cool just sticky you know. (Those with asthma do!)
My Sis has closed on the house she was buying from our frigid Aunt Cunt...who, might I add has pretty much fucked my Sis over on the deal nine ways to Sunday!(That is a whole other entry)
I've been hanging out with the kid allot. We switch off turns on the Internet and turns playing Fable which seems to be the new addiction of the house.
I was a hero for the first run through the game, now I am being EVIL!!
Well, I have loads to catch up on so I will write more later...perhaps!
Have a awesome day and remember....
"It's perfectly ok to be a happy individual!"
The weather has been just plain HOT. Either hot and dry, hot and humid then there was the torture of cool and humid.
Humidity is my worse nightmare. I can't breathe for anything. I used inhalers, Nebulae, air conditioner and in the end I donned my CPAP mask and went to bed. It was cool just sticky you know. (Those with asthma do!)
My Sis has closed on the house she was buying from our frigid Aunt Cunt...who, might I add has pretty much fucked my Sis over on the deal nine ways to Sunday!(That is a whole other entry)
I've been hanging out with the kid allot. We switch off turns on the Internet and turns playing Fable which seems to be the new addiction of the house.
I was a hero for the first run through the game, now I am being EVIL!!
Well, I have loads to catch up on so I will write more later...perhaps!
Have a awesome day and remember....
"It's perfectly ok to be a happy individual!"
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