I want to let the world know what a awesome Sister I have. She has two kids of her own, one whose just walking, the other whose about to go to school and a husband. Not to mention the new addition to the family by means of a lil pup.
She cares for the kids all day, does all the cooking, cleaning and running around pretty much that needs to be done, and has a cake business on the side.
To top all this off she works two double shifts a weekend so they don't have to deal with childcare.
What makes her so special? On top of all of the normal duties of a wife and mother, she has taken in our brother and his pregnant girlfriend (well, she was pregnant at the time, now she has had the little gentleman) and has gone above and beyond to help them up to and including..
Paying their bills, buying their personal needs, food, baby supplies, covering everything (including their cigarettes in a NON SMOKING HOME)to sum it up as well as putting wear and tear on her care taking them to the Doctor's as well as going to Ill to pick the girlfriend and the baby up when she was stranded there over some family drama.
Sis does this and moves to a bigger house (bought it) to make more room.
Not only has she given up her time, money, and yes, even the bed she slept in for my brother and his girlfriend, but she gave up so much of her self, her wisdom and was there when no one else was for them.
She did it out of love.
Now, I know that you often feel unappreciated. I know how you feel, Several times I put myself out there to help just to be hurt by it.
Your a wonderful person and I love you...and I thank you for those who look the other way.
Not being a smart ass or anything but this to me is one of the times when this can be taken the wrong way. Me and Dustin thank Dawn and Ryan when they do things for us. And before I even moved up here they were already going to move into this house. They volunteered for me to live with them and said that is was no problem. After we get our own place and car (which we are getting very very soon) everyone that wants to talk shit about me and think that they know EVERYTHING about me just by what they hear can kiss my ass! I am not a BITCH or a mean person but when it comes to dustin, the baby, and my family I can be. You know nothing about me and by what you put on this blog if you think that it is going to hurt us (me) or make me even more pissed off you are wrong. I am going to be the bigger person and act like I have sense. You think that I need to grow up, let me tell ya..I'm 17. So yeah I'm young and last time I checked adults were older than that. So yeah I am still growing up and learning from my mistakes and OTHERS! You only know what people want you to know. The story goes both ways!!!!!
Oh and by the way.....I don't go to the doctor and neither does my son. Dawn has only taken me one time with him and I have only been once. That is the only time that we have been to the doctor since I have lived up here and since he has been born. And don't worry...not that it's any of your business... they will get their money back. That has already been arranged. And just so you know, means you think you know everything, there is no cake business in this house. Only cakes she fixes here at the house for us (everyone that lives here) to eat. I don't know why you have to be so hateful and rude to me when I have done nothing to you or dawn and ryan. You don't even know me yet you are one to judge. I don't think so. The only one that will EVER judge me is God. Until then, people can kiss my ass if they don't like me. If you knew the real me and actually learned what I am like then that would be a different story.
Don't pay her any attention, she is just being a 17 year old who thinks she knows it all. I have decided to be christian about it and pray for them. Afterall she throws up God being the only one to judge, so lets let Him be the one to take care of it. I just don't think her approach was very christian with her saying all the time "My grandpa is a baptist minister" and yet the way she is so mean to you in the way she comments here is beyond me. I love you and so does God. He will see us through this time. Let go and Let God in this case sis!
I am not wasting my time on this, I will just comment on her blog on the last entry she made then yes...Let go...let God.
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