I got a card and a boquet of roses today from Snoop and his wife for my birthday. It was wholly un expected and appreciated.
New day same blog. I woke to a monkey puckering up in my face! A cute balloon from Lizzy wishing me well. I LOVE MONKEYZ! She also got me a book that I know I will like. I Vamp book! Sexy yeah!
Yet another day....Went to see Saw 4 with Liz. It was awesome. Not my fave of the four but good and bloody none the less. Got home to pretty balloons from Lucky. Three of them...one for Halloween, one for getting well, and one for HALLOWEEEEEEN! The cheese guy....who is know known as Shawn brought me two packs of COOOOKIES!! Wow....what a day followed up with my Chris wanting to give me some of my gifts for my Birthday. I wanted them oh so badly but was a good Angel and waited...except for the adorable light up Baby Eeor (sp?) and Tigger pens!
New Day...before 7 a.m. and I am hyper as hell. I am planning my costume for tomorrow. Lucky has turned my Birthday/PPV in to a Halloween party which I love! I know what I am going to be and I have all I need but I can't find the baby powder for an experiment. I wanna wake Liz or Chris to take me to walmart for make-up. Been so long since I have been this hyper. I am even giving out my Angel war cries that no one but me and my lil belly button living peeps know. Well, the lil man in my ear has learned the lingo too. He had to when the peeps in my belly button moved up to my ear for awhile but I digress.
Damn headache is wanting to settle in. I'm not medicated and I feel good so I am getting all I can out of this!
I had a Doc appointment Thursday. Lucky, Liz and I all had a nice sit in meal at taco Bell...wow, I went IN! We then went to the Doc. I have Exema. Anyway...we went to the costume store after. (I stayed in the car cause I was getting tired by then) followed by going home and trying on wigs. It was FUN! Friday i had my behavioral health nurse come and is proud that I made my goals but urges me to go out alone using the medical cab instead of Liz and Chris. Look, I have to be medicated to go out and have fun...how the hell will I be able to go out and do a Doc appointment on my own. I have to carry oxygen tanks, a purse with my medical needs plus the oxygen pump. My wheel chair that I push til I am too tired to walk. And then there is the panic attacks with the elevator, strangers, the general fear of being OUTSIDE! Anyway...my home nurse came to wrap my legs then Liz came and it was a lil hectic cause everything was going on too fast but I am stressing so on to happier thoughts.
My Sissy, I miss her and Pierce. I haven't gotten to talk to them much at all this week and I feel every time they are on the phone I am rushing off cause I have had so much to do or I have been tired for having to do so much or I am engaged with family time with Chris and Lucky. I know they will say don't worry, we understand, family comes first but you two are my family and I LOVE YOU!
I have however been sleeping more. Like maybe not as long but quality hours. I dunno. But I know I slept good. Been having insane dreams but not dark or scary ones from my past.
My pain level is just in my joints now. My right shoulder is killing me, then there is the headaches. I've been on and off with chest pains do to trying to catch a chest infection.
I miss my Guild and I am gonna try to be there on my birthday while Chris is gone for an errand and some today like right now!
Maybe cause just got up...and he said PAAAANNNNNCAAAAKES!
Oh yeah I am singing again and Liz took me to see the Elk, horsies, cows and bulls twice. HAIL TO THE SENIC ROUTE!
Mistress Crow Darkstride

My Dark Queen
Saturday, October 27, 2007
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Wow! Kenzie was up til 230 crying so I am home from work today! I will try and catch you sometime today! Love you! and it is spelled EYEORE!
BADA BING! It is recipe exchange time. go to my blog titled recipe exchange to see what it is about!
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