Mistress Crow Darkstride

My Dark Queen
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Black Dog Syndrome
Just some info for you from your Animal Friendly Critter Crusader!
Just some info for you from your Animal Friendly Critter Crusader!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Looking for Lucky/Brittany
Went around town looking for the kid after not hearing from her for three days. She isn't answering her phone or texts. I went by the house she lives in and ran into to dudes standing out front. One promptly gave us the bird. Upon asking why he would do such a thing he said he was doing it to the driver which was Chris. I asked him why and he said he thought Chris was someone else. I asked if he knew Lucky, or Brittany and he said no. I think he is lieing. It's DND night and he was holding a folder and showed up around the time it starts. We also rode over to the ramp and looked around the playground and The Brown Bottle. Did a double back over a girl that looked like her, I even walked over and looked down on them from the upper parking lot but it didn't look like her unless she has cut her hair again. There was nothing left to do but go home now and text her again. Nothing....I have called her phone to see if it was disconnected due to a bill owed or something...it goes to voicemail instead of the operator recording. I even called a number that has called here and left a message at some dudes house and no call back.
....I am sure you all know how I feel about this.
....I am sure you all know how I feel about this.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy Fourth Of July
"Happy Fourth Of July My American Brethren and Sisters. May you have fun filled safe time in whatever you do!"
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Wanted: One LOCAL female friend to serve as acting Bestie for Disabled woman for short walks, trips to the playground of my choice, weekly jacuzzi visits for water arobics and feeding the ducks. Must have car, be a non smoker, and have no children. Pets are encouraged. This is not a job, you will not be paid except by my gratitude and better health. I do have my moments with phobias and I tend to be a bit OCD.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Yes my fans, I wrote her....and sent it.....

Come on ....seriously. Leave the animals that CAN'T defend themselves alone. STOP being a TERRORIST of wildlife and focus your energy on other things, POSITIVE things like helping the economy, schools...FIGHTING CRIME.....
~Angel.....The Critter Crusader.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
The King and I
The King and I is a wonderful Tale. I enjoyed the original and the remake so I thought hey, I love cartoons...the animation has got to be awesome. Well, it's good but the beginning so far is really different with added magical nonsense that I am put off a bit. BUT, there is a monkey and I like monkeys! So perhaps if I look at it differnyly I will like it. Oh...there is a panther! The King is funny. What is this ect. ect. ect....ok, I like it so far.,,,awww a baby elephant!!!
Ok. The King and I Animation has my approval. My most favorite is the original.
Ok. The King and I Animation has my approval. My most favorite is the original.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Saturday, March 7, 2009
i have failed
at everything i try to do and am not going to ever try to do anything social again. i have now become the work a holic. i am working during kenzie's party tomorrow so i hope everyone has fun.
Posted by The Cox Family at 3/07/2009 02:50:00 PM
SIS said...
NOT TRUE, I have seen you struggle and do without for your family while RYAN sits on his lazy ass and does nothing or goes out running around. Your not at fault for the cake fiasco....he is. You work all the time to get another car. Not your fault he can't shoulder the responsibility and cries to his parents for getting scolded. DAMN HIM!
Saturday, March 07, 2009
i have failed
at everything i try to do and am not going to ever try to do anything social again. i have now become the work a holic. i am working during kenzie's party tomorrow so i hope everyone has fun.
Posted by The Cox Family at 3/07/2009 02:50:00 PM
SIS said...
NOT TRUE, I have seen you struggle and do without for your family while RYAN sits on his lazy ass and does nothing or goes out running around. Your not at fault for the cake fiasco....he is. You work all the time to get another car. Not your fault he can't shoulder the responsibility and cries to his parents for getting scolded. DAMN HIM!
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Just some Fray Lyrics that I find true in my life...
I said, "Where've you been?"
Where were you, when everything was falling apart.
All my days were spent by the telephone that never rang
And all I needed was a call that never came
Lost and insecure, you found me
Lying on the floor, surrounded,
Why'd you have to wait? Where were you?
Just a little late, you found me.
But in the end everyone ends up alone
Losing me, the only one who's ever known
Who I am, who I'm not and who I wanna to be
No way to know how long you will be next to me
The early morning, the city breaks
And I've been calling for years and years and years
And you never left me no messages
You never sent me no letters
You got some kind of nerve taking all I want
Lost and insecure, you found me, you found me
Lying on the floor, Where were you? Where were you?
Why'd you have to wait, to find me?
Where were you, when everything was falling apart.
All my days were spent by the telephone that never rang
And all I needed was a call that never came
Lost and insecure, you found me
Lying on the floor, surrounded,
Why'd you have to wait? Where were you?
Just a little late, you found me.
But in the end everyone ends up alone
Losing me, the only one who's ever known
Who I am, who I'm not and who I wanna to be
No way to know how long you will be next to me
The early morning, the city breaks
And I've been calling for years and years and years
And you never left me no messages
You never sent me no letters
You got some kind of nerve taking all I want
Lost and insecure, you found me, you found me
Lying on the floor, Where were you? Where were you?
Why'd you have to wait, to find me?
Monday, February 23, 2009
What is my 80's song?
Your 80s Song is "Sweet Child O' Mine" |
If you were transported back to the 80s, your life would be all about rock and roll. You love the free wheeling, wild atmosphere of the 80s - even if there were consequences later on. You think of the 80s as a time of partying hard and letting loose. Even if you find a lot of the 80s nostalgia to be a bit lame, you truly believe there was no better decade. |
Monday, February 9, 2009
Crawling out of my skin.
I feel so itchy! Is it in my head? Some of it is I am sure but what isn't is driving me absolutley bonkers. I was so angry last night because I was awaken by the top of my feet itching. I was cuddled in with my man feeling the love and had to get up because if I didn't I knew I'd draw blood in my sleep. I went in the livingroom to try to get some rest in my handy dandy chair but it got worse. Hands, feet, elbows,knees...my head. After the itchies I got hot and I seriously was thinking about going out and rolling around in the snow. I even cut off all my nails. I feel all jittery inside too. I hate feeling this way.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Personal Growth
Personal growth....I'm all about it. At least at this point in my life I am anyway. I've been there before when I hung up my drinking belt and put on the blanket of sobriety which is something I am very proud of. (July 18 will make 18 years sober! ) Even though I am making personal growth my goal right now I still find it hard some days because I have my anxieties, depression, insecurities, trust issues, and obsessive compulsions...not to mention when I get all hyper and I feel trapped in my skin. But...I have Chris that I talk to and that takes the edge off until I see my Shrink. Even with those two I still have nights I sit in the dark and broken thoughts wash over me. I stress over my house, my daughter, my health, my relationships and change. I'm feeling anxiety just writing this. I know there is no reason for it yet I do. But I digress. I really am working hard on personal growth. What has brought this to the forefront of my mind? Well it's simple really. I've been watching Clean House, Split Ends and Peter Perfect. If anyone watches these shows it's all about changing for the better, be it thier home, thier business or themselves. (I mostly watch Clean House) Ellen helps too. I watch her religiously and she is always so positive. I watch Nancy Grace every day as well. Her show gives me a healthy place to vent my frustration. Well, my train of thought has gone off track because I got up for a potty break and ended up cleaning, feeding the birds, washed out some clothes, giving the ratties a new house and treats, checked my work email, found my missing house shoe and so goes life for me.....the point I was making is I am freeing my home of clutter. I am saving the most important keepsakes but all the extra papers and junk is going out of here! I gotta start somewhere......Personal Space will be ....growth free? Ok, That was corny even for me....
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