Mistress Crow Darkstride

My Dark Queen
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Personal Growth
Personal growth....I'm all about it. At least at this point in my life I am anyway. I've been there before when I hung up my drinking belt and put on the blanket of sobriety which is something I am very proud of. (July 18 will make 18 years sober! ) Even though I am making personal growth my goal right now I still find it hard some days because I have my anxieties, depression, insecurities, trust issues, and obsessive compulsions...not to mention when I get all hyper and I feel trapped in my skin. But...I have Chris that I talk to and that takes the edge off until I see my Shrink. Even with those two I still have nights I sit in the dark and broken thoughts wash over me. I stress over my house, my daughter, my health, my relationships and change. I'm feeling anxiety just writing this. I know there is no reason for it yet I do. But I digress. I really am working hard on personal growth. What has brought this to the forefront of my mind? Well it's simple really. I've been watching Clean House, Split Ends and Peter Perfect. If anyone watches these shows it's all about changing for the better, be it thier home, thier business or themselves. (I mostly watch Clean House) Ellen helps too. I watch her religiously and she is always so positive. I watch Nancy Grace every day as well. Her show gives me a healthy place to vent my frustration. Well, my train of thought has gone off track because I got up for a potty break and ended up cleaning, feeding the birds, washed out some clothes, giving the ratties a new house and treats, checked my work email, found my missing house shoe and so goes life for me.....the point I was making is I am freeing my home of clutter. I am saving the most important keepsakes but all the extra papers and junk is going out of here! I gotta start somewhere......Personal Space will be ....growth free? Ok, That was corny even for me....
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