Damn it. I tipped a whole Diet Dew over onto my favorite comfy blanky this morn. That sucks most vigorously. I finally got some sleep until I awoke cause it was too damn hot in the house. A certain 18 year old I won't mention names....turned the thermostat up AGAIN even though she was asked several times over and over to leave it the hell alone. It was on 75 and my bed is right next to the heater and it dries out my skin and my sinuses but all i can hear her say it is cold....well we have TONS of blankets and you can put on more clothes, I can only take so much off. When i can't even sleep naked cause it is too hot with a fan something has to give. I run a fever naturally. I am going to start opening the damn door in the living room like I used to. Geez, I have made a lot of changes to be more thoughtful of my family and still she does as she pleases. It takes forever to cool this place down. I mean geez. i was actually SLEEPING for once.
Bah! I also found my foot in pain and bloody this morning. Why? No, not itching with my nails but at some point in the night I rubbed it against the connector to my oxygen hose. So ow.
Back to griping about the heat...another thing that doesn't help is my oxygen concentrator puts out a lot of hot air as well.
Let's jump back to the soda soaked blanky. My Idea was to watch as many of my DVR shows then come in my room and find my flashlight I lost last night...yes, I have a flashlight by my bed so i can find my lotions and so on and not wake Chris with the big light, but I digress, I was only able to watch One Piece, Blood Plus, Transformers and Deal or No Deal with Ellen on it. Now, I am in here after washing out my shorts and putting my compression hose back into the solution to soak because my darling daughter left them soaking wet on the sink....OK?
Anyway all this happened before eight thirty in the morning and that is insane.
I took a day off the hose because the top of my foot is too painful due to the wound i created in the night. Gonna take it easy today cause my PT therapist had me all over the place yesterday showing me how to use my new things for my shoulder which is making progress.
I need to write my landlord about this fucking ice patch parking lot and call my Doc to find out just whose screwing up my compression boots order because I'm getting the run a round.
Dig this, I get a letter from the government because the Social Security/Disability dept screwed up and put my social security number on a envelope they sent me and now are footing the bill for Afflack for a year so I'm covered if my identity is stolen for their screw up.
OK, I think I have nothing left to bitch about. I miss my Shrink.
Oh...one more thing.... On my MSN I have the number of our Soldiers who have died in Iraq as well as American Heroes after it and someone on my Msn list sent this...
"I don't support a war that's being prolonged as much as possible so the American banking associations can monopolize the countries oil supply and make a profit"I'm too pissed off at that comment to post a reply yet.
Bah! I also found my foot in pain and bloody this morning. Why? No, not itching with my nails but at some point in the night I rubbed it against the connector to my oxygen hose. So ow.
Back to griping about the heat...another thing that doesn't help is my oxygen concentrator puts out a lot of hot air as well.
Let's jump back to the soda soaked blanky. My Idea was to watch as many of my DVR shows then come in my room and find my flashlight I lost last night...yes, I have a flashlight by my bed so i can find my lotions and so on and not wake Chris with the big light, but I digress, I was only able to watch One Piece, Blood Plus, Transformers and Deal or No Deal with Ellen on it. Now, I am in here after washing out my shorts and putting my compression hose back into the solution to soak because my darling daughter left them soaking wet on the sink....OK?
Anyway all this happened before eight thirty in the morning and that is insane.
I took a day off the hose because the top of my foot is too painful due to the wound i created in the night. Gonna take it easy today cause my PT therapist had me all over the place yesterday showing me how to use my new things for my shoulder which is making progress.
I need to write my landlord about this fucking ice patch parking lot and call my Doc to find out just whose screwing up my compression boots order because I'm getting the run a round.
Dig this, I get a letter from the government because the Social Security/Disability dept screwed up and put my social security number on a envelope they sent me and now are footing the bill for Afflack for a year so I'm covered if my identity is stolen for their screw up.
OK, I think I have nothing left to bitch about. I miss my Shrink.
Oh...one more thing.... On my MSN I have the number of our Soldiers who have died in Iraq as well as American Heroes after it and someone on my Msn list sent this...
"I don't support a war that's being prolonged as much as possible so the American banking associations can monopolize the countries oil supply and make a profit"I'm too pissed off at that comment to post a reply yet.
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