Hi Angel,
You have the following unread Care2 Network Messages:
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Get Your Members of Congress on the Punch Clock' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Make Sure Every Vote Counts' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Make Sure Women Can Get Their Prescription for Birth Control Filled!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Say No to the "Big Brother" Bills - Protect Our Civil Liberties!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Help America Declare Energy Independence' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Boycott C.K. Mondavi and Charles Krug Wines' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Tell Wal-Mart to Keep Their Environmental Promise' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Give Wal-Mart's CEO a Reality Check!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Tell Kimberly-Clark: Use Recycled Paper Instead of Old Forests!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Tell Gale Norton to Do Her Job and Protect Wolves!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Help Bears Threatened by Poaching' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Stop the killing of seals in Canada' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Tell eBay To Stop Selling Slaughtered Bats!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Tell Congress to Protect Our Oceans' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Don't Exempt Manatees from The Marine Mammal Protection Act!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Stop New Pollution and Global Security Threats from Nuclear Waste' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Demand House Republicans Denounce Ann Coulter's Hate-Speech' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Urgent: Don't Let the Atrocities in Darfur Continue' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Support the Peace Plan That Brings Iraq Troops Home!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Don't let Congress Contaminate Food Safety Laws' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Don't let Congress Contaminate Food Safety Laws' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Tell Congress Animal Testing Has No Place in Federal Agencies' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Don't Risk Another Nuclear Showdown: Support Direct Negotiations with Iran Now' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Tell Starbucks to Honor Their Commitments to Coffee Farmers' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Don't Let Another Dog Get Chained Up in Your Town' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Enforce the Roadless Rule for National Forests' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition America's National Parks Face a Crisis - Support the Plan to Fix Them' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Don't Poison More Prairie Dogs' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Stop Unlawful Government Spying on U.S. Citizens' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Stop Unlawful Government Spying on U.S. Citizens' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Stop Unlawful Government Spying on U.S. Citizens' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Our Voices Together: Build a Safer World' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition End Dolphin Slaughter in Japan' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Urge U.S. Turkey Producers to End Unsafe Practice' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition It's Always Christmas Time...For Visa!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Stop Bush's Ultra-Conservative Appointee to Health and Human Services' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Stop Bush's Ultra-Conservative Appointee to Health and Human Services' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Encourage International Paper to Fix Our Paper Packaging Problem' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Tell Wal-Mart: Zero Tolerance on Child Labor' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Protect Every Child's Right To Survival' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Protect Darfur Women from Abuse and Genocide' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Keep the Promise to Fight Poverty' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Don't Strip ESA Protections From Wolves in WY and ID' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition USDA Must Stop Playing Chicken with Food Safety' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Protect Wildlife in Bristol Bay from Oil Drilling' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Stand Up for Living Wages for All Working People' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Support UN Refugee Agency Action in Darfur' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Get Engaged for Valentine's Day!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Get Engaged for Valentine's Day!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Big Drug Company to Deny Poor People Life-saving Medicines' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Protect North America’s Boreal Forest' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Protect North America’s Boreal Forest' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Protect North America’s Boreal Forest' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Washington D.C. Deserves Equal Rights' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Don't Let Big Retailers Pass Fees on to You!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition AT&T and Verizon: Don't Share Our Personal Information' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition End Violence Against Women & Girls' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Global Warming: Urge Presidential Hopefuls to Take a Stand!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Give Up Something That Contributes to Global Warming For Lent!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Repeal the Discriminatory "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Policy' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Repeal the Discriminatory "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Policy' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Oppose the Killing of Cats' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Oppose the Killing of Cats' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition President Bush: Implement the Energy Policy That Works!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition President Bush: Implement the Energy Policy That Works!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Bring Senate Campaigns into the 21st Century Sunlight!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Tell Congress: Stand up for patients, not drug companies!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Help Lower Drug Prices for Millions of Americans' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Make Farm and Food Policy Meet the Needs of All Americans' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Make Farm and Food Policy Meet the Needs of All Americans' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Save Sea Turtles from Extinction - Take the Plastic Bag Pledge' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition CEO and Execs Take Nearly $200 Million and Workers Get Nothing' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition CEO and Execs Take Nearly $200 Million and Workers Get Nothing' from Care2
'A message from your favorite sea turtle' from Mr Leatherback Turtle
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Become a Citizen Co-Sponsor of the Sanders/Boxer Global Warming Bill' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Give Poor Farmers a Fighting Chance' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Tell Congress That America's Safety Depends on Wireless Access!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Support Effective and Real Global Warming Action' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Thank CA Senator for Her Efforts to Protect Domestic Violence Victims and Their Pets' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Thank State of Illinois for Preventing the Criminalization of Canines' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Support Proposal to List Polar Bears As "Threatened"' from Care2
'Who do you think will win?' from Mr Leatherback Turtle
'Butterfly for: Signing petition The Time is Now for Global Warming Action' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Support a Greener Farm Bill and "Sow Justice"' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Say No to Mining in Alaska's Pristine Bristol Bay!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition We Need a New Attorney General!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Tell Congress: Stop Starving Our Food Safety System!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Save Tigers: Urge China to Maintain Ban on Trade in Tiger Parts' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Save Tigers: Urge China to Maintain Ban on Trade in Tiger Parts' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Stop Out of Control Gas Prices, Increase Fuel Efficiency Standards!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Allow Health Care Patients Access to Therapy - Not Time Behind Bars' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Congress: Deliver on Health Care for Those Who Need it Most!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Help Stop Dangerous "Super Bug" in Local Hospitals!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition GOP Senators: Bring Our Troops Home From Iraq!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Celebrate Shelter Cats With a Thank You to the Houston SPCA!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Don't Forget Hurricane Katrina and Rita Victims!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition ALL Children and Pregnant Women Deserve Health Coverage!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Unite With the Lance Armstrong Foundation to Fight Cancer' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Tucker Carlson: Apologize Now for Comments Condoning Violence!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Don't Lick Elmo!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Improve Support for Hard-Hit Families' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Baby Calves Stolen From Their Mothers and Treated Cruelly - Free Baby Mendes!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Protect Ancient Trees and Spotted Owls!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition End Workplace Discrimination: Pass ENDA Now!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Tell Congress: Support Cool Cars and Clean Energy' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Send Congress Their Global Warming To-Do List!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Urge Congress to Permanently Protect the Arctic Refuge!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Oppose the destructive practice of mountaintop removal mining' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Support Girls in Sports - Sign the 'Fair Play Now' Pledge!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Hold the Antibiotics!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Supreme Court Decisions are Chipping Away our Civil Rights!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Include Older Americans in Health Care Improvements!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition All Foster Children Deserve Permanent Homes and Loving Families' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Protect Polar Bears from Extinction!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Tell the Senate to Support Food Aid That Helps, Not Hurts' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Thank American Humane for Rescue and Care of Puppy Mill Victims!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Lay the Reckless 1872 Mining Law to Rest!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition It's Your Choice: Endorse Hillary's Health Care Plan!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Demand Rush Limbaugh Apologize!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Don't Let Big Companies Privatize Our Most Precious Natural Resource!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Support the Healthy Families Act' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition End Animal Suffering Worldwide - Sign the Petition for a Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Don't Let President Bush's Veto of Children's Healthcare Stand!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Help End Youth Homelessness in the United States' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Save Chimpanzees from the Bushmeat Trade!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Stop Cuts That will Limit Patients' Access to Health Care' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Give Us a Plan for a Nuclear Weapon-Free World!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Make AIDS History: Support the Search for an AIDS Vaccine' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Take Action to Improve Cancer Care!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Keep Hazardous Toys Off Our Shelves' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Take Action to Support Conservation Programs for Farmers' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Elect Teddy for President!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Share Your Story: Working Families Struggling to Find Affordable Homes' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Join Leonardo DiCaprio in Protecting Critical Habitat for Polar Bears' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Take Action to Prevent Pediatric HIV/AIDS Around the World' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Stop the Lies About Immigration - Don't Broadcast Tom Tancredo's Ad' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition America's Brave Heroes Deserve Adequate Medical Care!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition This Holiday Season, Pledge to Give' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Give Darfur Kids Stability Through Education' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Pediatrics Over Partisanship - Tell Bush, "Not Another SCHIP Veto!"' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Give Bush Your Performance Review on Workers' Rights!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Puerto Rico Pet Massacre' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Boycott ExxonMobil' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Environmentally-Friendly Transportation Under Attack! Stop Train Reregulatation' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Stop Japan's Whaling Fleet From Killing Humpbacks!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Support the PAW Act - End Alaska's Aerial Hunting Program!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Protect the Amazon's Madeira River!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Save Wetlands in Missisippi! Stop the Yazoo Pumps' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Stop Cloned Food - Act Today!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition I join Al Gore in calling for a new, visionary global treaty to solve the climate crisis' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition End Whaling NOW!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Bring America's Clean Energy Future to Life' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Japan Killing More Whales - Stop the Hunt!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Stop the Bush/Cheney Sneak Attack on Wolves' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Support St. Jude Children's Research Hospital® -- Give back to children this season' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition No Offshore Drilling in Polar Bear Habitat!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Time for Bioenergy to Get Smart' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Stop Deceptive Labeling of "Natural" Meat' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Sustainable Shrimp for all Grocery Stores!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Reauthorize Runaway and Homeless Youth Programs!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Help American Humane Celebrate Their 130th Anniversary!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition Protect Our Wildlife - Jumpstart a Clean Energy Future!' from Care2
'Butterfly for: Signing petition FedEx Ground: Your Drivers Deserve to be Treated Fairly!' from Care2
Mistress Crow Darkstride

My Dark Queen
Friday, January 18, 2008
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